Full body massage performed with medical multicomponent oil. The consistency
of the oil is selected individually.
All disorders of the nervous
system, all kinds of chronic arthritis, spondylosis, insomnia, dry skin,
psoriasis, headaches, migraine, disorders of the autonomic nervous system,
constipation, flatulence, osteoporosis, separation of the nail plate, hearing
loss, tinnitus, chronic fatigue, sedentary work.
Reduces Vata disorders, softens
and moisturizes, improves the quality of skin, stimulates blood circulation and
lymph flow, relieves fatigue, strengthens the body, improves the function of
the senses ograns (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste), slows the aging
process, increases life expectancy and improves digestion, sleep, reduces pain
in the body, relieve muscle tension, strengthens the Immune system, creates a feeling of satisfaction,
removes toxins from the body.
Duration: 60 minutes Svedana is performed after
Abhyanga - 15 min
The total fee – 60 EUR